We are happy to announce that registration is now open for the 2024 box lacrosse season.
Regular pricing will be in effect until January 31st at 11:59PM. After that the rates will increase and will be considered late and players will be placed on a wait list to ensure we have adequate team capacity and/or coaches in place.
Family Discount:
Goalie Discount:
Tryout Fees are only applicable to those players wishing to tryout for an A level team in the male U13, U15 and U17 divisions. There are no tryout fees for U7, U9, U11 or any of the female divisions, or for those players wishing to be evaluated for B and C level teams. Please only select the tryout fee option if you are trying out for an A level team in the male U13, U15 and U17 divisions.
All Female Players, with the exception of U7, must register in the female divisions and be placed on a female registration list. Female U7 players please select “Play in Male Division” as this is a co-ed division.
Female Players wanting to play on a male team must first register in their female division and then submit a request to play on a male team - do not select the “Play in Male Division” selection. All interested female players must complete the attached form and forward it to the Female Coordinator with a copy to the Registrar. All requests will be reviewed by the Female Coordinator, the Female Head coach, and the Executive for final approval.
Don't delay your registration and save by registering early. Click on the following link to be taken to the BCLA Online Registration (now closed for the 2024 box season)